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Anita Silverman Hirsch Z"l

Non-Jewish Support for Israel from The Religious and from the Secular

People often disparage support of Israel from Church groups, however recently I received this from a Christian site:

Would Jesus Back a Palestinian State?

But then I noticed this review of a secular conference in Rome supporting the State of Israel which just took place in the Italian Senate.

Historical Meeting at the Senate Building in Rome

I am a citizen-observor who has been following the news regarding Israel, the West Bank, Iran, and the Middle East in general. Everyone knows about the current bid by Mahmoud Abbas for "Palestinian Statehood" but few peopke understand the deep significance that it may have on all of our lives.

I was born after World War II and in studying history, I always wondered how were the Nazis able to pull off the destruction of their enemies in full sight of the whole world? I know this information was public at the time, because I looked through archive copies of the New York Times, before the war and during the war. The news was out there.

Here is an article by Frank J. Gaffney, Jr., Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear Forces and Arms Control Policy in the Reagan Administration, currently heads the Center for Security Policy in an opinion piece recently published regarding the current events occurring in NYC and in the US senate.

‘Diplomacy of September’

He starts this way "In her Pulitzer Prize-winning book, "The Guns of August," Barbara Tuchman chronicles how a cascading series of seemingly minor developments led inexorably to World War I and the worst carnage known to man up to that time. In the future, historians may point to the present "Diplomacy of September" as the catalyst for the next horrific conflict now in the offing in the Middle East, and potentially beyond..."

and this is his third point:
"...Third, it appears that meetings of OIC representatives with U.S. government officials - possibly including Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton - will occur in conjunction with the U.N.'s September follies. The purpose will be to try to "bridge" differences between the OIC's 10-year campaign to prohibit expression that offends Muslims and the First Amendment to the Constitution.
Now, it is unclear how Shariah blasphemy law can be squared with freedom of speech. But Mrs. Clinton seems to be pushing forward with the idea that, by focusing on the "consequences" of expression, one can find a basis for meeting the OIC's demands for prohibiting and criminalizing what some call "Islamophobic hate speech."
Lest anyone think that Shariah blasphemy laws cannot come to the United States even if Mrs. Clinton wants them to, consider the case of Fred Grandy. Mr. Grandy, a former Republican congressman from Iowa and past president of the billion-dollar charity Goodwill Industries, was the host of the top-rated morning drive talk show in Washington - until, allegedly, he ran afoul of Shariah activists who were "offended" by the reporting about that doctrine that he and his wife, Catherine (aka "Mrs. Fred"), provided each week.
Not content with denying Mr. Grandy gainful employment, proponents of Shariah have enlisted the leadership of the Democratic Party in Maryland's legislature and Montgomery County to denounce him publicly as a "divisive" figure and to object to him addressing a private meeting of Republicans in the Washington suburbs. Such conduct by people who have sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States is a scandal. It should be strenuously denounced by their fellow Democrats, as well as by Americans of every other stripe.
The effect of the Clinton-OIC exercise, like the others at the U.N. this week, will be to reinforce the perception on the part of freedom's Islamist enemies that Israel, the West and the United States are in retreat and in decline. Recognizing Palestine, excoriating Israel and restricting free expression will seen by such enemies for what they are: acts of submission. According to the threat doctrine they call Shariah, its adherents are required in the face of submissive behavior to redouble their efforts to make, in the words of the Koran, the infidels "feel subdued."
When combined with the ascendancy throughout the Middle East and North Africa of Islamist organizations and regimes that make no secret of their determination to wipe Israel off the map, we stand at the precipice. Tragically, the weapons with which the next war will be fought - an avoidable war brought on by the "Diplomacy of September" - will make the lethal "Guns of August" seem like pop-guns by comparison.

 Another observer, Victor Davis Hanson, a classicist and military historian, is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and a recipient of the 2007 National Humanities Medal. He writes this:
Can Israel Survive
He writes an opinion piece, and his view is really pessimistic as he reviews the current challenges to Israel by the Middle Eastern Neighborhood.

But I thought that the most chilling article was this one:

If Israel Disappears

By Cal Thomas

And then I just read this article by Rex Murphy, host off CBC's Cross Country Checkup:
"Teaching Everyone How to Hate" in today's National Post.

"Anti-Semitism is, as many have said, the oldest hatred. It loses no force from its venerability.
Jew-hatred forms the template on which so many other hatreds are based. It teaches that one's enemies are vermin, fit for extermination. Those detested are subjected to grotesque mockeries and caricatures. Finally, the hatred escalates to such a pitch that it brings on pogroms or worse. Anti-Semitism is deeply noxious in itself, but it is also exemplary in this negative sense: It grooves the path to other hatreds.

These unoriginal thoughts came to mind easily after catching some of the remarks of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the UN on Thursday. He was in full 9/11conspiracy-theorist mode, delivering the kind of anti-American harangue that only Hugo Chavez could love. But, as always, he was not neglectful of Israel and the Jews. In the past, he's questioned whether the Holocaust happened. This year, he accused European countries of using the Holocaust "as an excuse to pay fine[s] or ransom to the Zionists." For all the venom poured on the United States, Israel is Ahmadinejad's perennial target. He'd embrace America in an eye-blink should Washington turn on Israel.

If you read any of these articles, all written by non-Jewish observers and analysts you will never be able to say, nobody warned you of what is transpiring right now in the UN, in New York City, at the infamous UN Durban 111 "conference for Human Rights" and in the Middle East.

And yes it affects all of us here both in the US and in Canada. I invite your comments.

Here is the first comment I received via e-mail:

Hi Abigail, Thanks for this post, for pulling together these articles. The big question, for me (as I think you know): how do we get this kind of message heard? People tend to hear what they're used to hearing - and this kind of message is outside the regular flow of "downtrodden and abused Muslims hounded by big bad Israel." Thanks for your contribution to trying to enlarge perceptions.

1 comment:

Elsa said...

Hi Abigail, Thanks for this post, for pulling together these articles. The big question, for me (as I think you know): how do we get this kind of message heard? People tend to hear what they're used to hearing - and this kind of message is outside the regular flow of "downtrodden and abused Muslims hounded by big bad Israel." Thanks for your contribution to trying to enlarge perceptions. Elsa