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Anita Silverman Hirsch Z"l

Theatrical reading of "Address Unknown" followed by a panel discussion about civic engagement

This year marks the 65th year since the liberation of Auschwitz and to commemorate this important day, the Montreal Holocaust Memorial Museum invites you to a theatrical reading of "Address Unknown" followed by a panel discussion about civic engagement at 5151Cote-Ste-Catherine Road, the Gelber Centre in Montreal

◦ Address Unknown was written in 1938, as a series of letters between a Jewish art dealer, living in San Francisco, and his German best friend and business partner, who had returned to Germany in 1932 and gradually adopted the ideology of Nazism,

◦ at 6:00pm: French Reading at the Montreal Holocaust Memorial Museum,

◦ at 7:00pm: English Reading at the Montreal Holocaust Memorial Museum.

◦ At 8H15pm : 
Following the Readings, a Panel discussion about the importance of civic engagement

The role of the everyday citizen in genocide prevention and other human rights abuses,
Moderated by Alice Herscovitch, Executive Director of the Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre (MHMC),

◦ with the participation of Susyn Borer, President of Board of Directors, MHMC,

◦ a reprensentative of the Life Stories of Montrealers Displaced by War, Genocide, and other Human Rights Violations,

◦ And Steve Baird, Executive Director of The Darfur/Sudan Peace Network.

Audience members will have the opportunity to meet representatives from different human rights organisations, and learn about volunteer opportunities.

Looking forward to seeing you there,

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